
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Life Lessons from Sunjwan Camp Attack

In a tragic incident on 10 February 2018, at predawn, Jaish-e-Mohammed fidayeens attacked an Indian army camp in Sunjuwan, Jammu city. 6 Indian soldiers lost their precious life guarding the base and all 4 militants were neutralised in the operation followed by the attack. There are few life lessons based on Bhagavad Gita which could be learned in this connection.

Importance of alert sentry
In this attack, At first militants were trying to sneak through the rear end of the camp where security where security was less. They had brief exchange of fire with sentry (soldier stationed to control access to a place) and later they entered family quarters.
As per Bhagavad Gita our senses are points of entry to all kind of information. And we are supposed to guard these sentry points with our intelligence. If any of the senses is not properly guarded, the input of wrong information & further such desires almost inevitable.

Unprotected mind is easy hideout
Our impure mind is like unprotected hideout which could be easily occupied by unscrupulous lusty desires & impressions as in this case the terrorist used the hideout of residential buildings where guards were taking rest with their families and security was less. Purified mind is always guarded by strong intelligence so that only legitimate occupants of right desires would be allowed to stay in.

Special forces have to be deployed to fight the battle
After fidayeen had take shelter at family quarters at camp and had started the assault, special forces were deployed and in next 24  hours all terrorists were gunned down. We can learn from this that once base desires & thoughts have occupied our mind, we have to take help of saintly association and scriptural injunctions to identify futility of those desires and thoughts nullify their influence by eliminating them altogether.  When the bodies of the terrorists were recovered it was found that they had used combat uniforms like army to enter the camp. Same way our lower desires sometimes take garb of those of useful or non harmful  ones and with the help of higher intelligence their identity has to be ascertained.

 The root of the problem is misidentification.
As few people are in Kashmir are not identifying  with republic of India and have been facilitating terrorists being sympathetic to them. But because this, actually they are planning to miss the benefits what a Indian state could offer to them.
Same way when we forget our identification as Souls, we facilitate our base desires thinking they may help us to enjoy. But in this process we loose out on unlimited spiritual bliss which can come with identifying and acting as per our spiritual identity as servants of God & using our senses in service to God, like seeing His form, eating His remnants and hearing about Him, chanting His names.