
Thursday, March 24, 2011

All glories to Vivek Kulkarni Pr.

Dear Vivek Pr.,
Hare Krishna,
Please accept my humble obeisance’s.
All glories to Srila Prabhupad! All glories to Sri Guru & Sri Gauranga!

On this auspicious day of your appearance although you are hundreds of kilometers away (555 km’s exactly) but  warmth of your love & affection still protects me from the cold formal impersonal  atmosphere of company. To be in the company where I work  I had to qualify the criteria, but to be in your company you saw that I am very unqualified & you blessed me with association Krishna in the form of his devotees. To remain in company I had to take so many assessment but for you, I assessed your tolerance, patience, calmness & humility etc.  so many times but you always kept me in your company, such merciful is your character. While company motivates me to meet the deadlines in the hopeless world; you are inspiring me for initiation of journey of endless love.

Srila Prabhupad writes in the purport of SB 1.5.28

Transcendental loving service for the Supreme Lord is the natural inclination of every living being. The instinct is dormant in everyone, but due to the association of material nature the modes of passion and ignorance cover this from time immemorial. If, by the grace of the Lord and the great-souled devotees of the Lord, a living being becomes fortunate enough to associate with the unadulterated devotees of the Lord and gets a chance to hear the unadulterated glories of the Lord, certainly the flow of devotional service takes place like the flow of a river.

My flow of devotional service was choked up from time immemorial but you became the instrument in paving the way for the flow of my devotional service. Not only that but you always vigilant that my flow should not go astray but reach to its ultimate destination, to the oceanic love of Krishna Prem!

            Your eagerness to practice devotional service is unparallel. Another high class quality of you is your uncomplaining nature. Although your health was very bad & you are currently far from association but you humbly accepted that without cribbing to anybody.

As stated in SB 10.14.48 purport
    A sincere devotee earnestly desires to go back to the Lord's abode. Therefore he willingly accepts the Lord's merciful punishment and continues offering respects and obeisance’s to the Lord with his heart, words and body. Such a bona fide servant of the Lord, considering all hardship a small price to pay for gaining the personal association of the Lord, certainly becomes a legitimate son of God, as indicated here by the words daya-bhak. Just as one cannot approach the sun without becoming fire, one cannot approach the supreme pure, Lord Krishna, without undergoing a rigid purificatory process, which may appear like suffering but which is in fact a curative treatment administered by the personal hand of the Lord.

You are exemplifying lines of above purport by your personal example.

Your gentle & calm demeanor soothes the heart of anybody associating with you and you like association of senior Vaisnavas especially HG PHP, HG BGP. In yatra you got association of HG Radheshyam Pr. HG Gaurang Pr.  & HG Shyamanand Pr.   also because of your sincere hankering.
As stated in Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.29, Narada says
I was very much attached to those sages. I was gentle in behavior, and all my sins were eradicated in their service. In my heart I had strong faith in them. I had subjugated the senses, and I was strictly following them with body and mind.
Anybody knows you will tell that first thing they noted about you is that  you are very cool headed & never waste time.
In letter to Madhudvisha Srila Prabhupada writes
  “So now you must all my senior disciples and leaders become very, very much aware of your grave responsibility to the human society for delivering them from the clutches of catastrophe, and be always cool-headed and utilize every moment in the best manner possible.”

You are possessing all these wonderful qualification necessary to practice devotional service. You are specially endowed with all musical talents to glorify the holy name & you like to do so very much!
Your company is one of the most precious gift I possess in Krishna consciousness. I am very thankful to you for being so kind to me
& always encouraging me in all my thick & thins. My only one complain to you is you are very miser in correcting me & I need that in abundance. Time is short to describe all your wonderful qualities so I could only touch those which came in my mind without much thinking.
I pray to Lord that you may get all necessary empowerment to execute will of the Lord in the glorious mission of Srila Prabhupad
Please forgive me for all my offense & Please pray for me that one day I will able to serve devotees properly

your servant,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I bow down to the glorious son of mother Hara

Dear Indraveer Prabhu,
Hare Krishna!
All glories to Indraveer Prabhu! All glories to Srila Prabhupad!

"Your mood to help your juniors in practice of Krishna consciousness is suitably adapted to the Radheshyam prabhu's mood of preaching. When your throat emits sweet melodious  sounds of Hare krishna  & vibrant notes of harmonium are softly played (sometimes vigorously also) by you, it inspires all devotees to sing enthusiastically & from the core of their hearts, infused with aspects of devotional service. You are accompanied by all good skills & talents for the sankirtana movement which is a religious practice for the age of kali. You are brilliant ornament of Srila Prabhupad’s movement.  You are always accompanied by nice realizations & pastimes of Krishna’s transcendental abode. You motivate purer level of devotion to Krishna by your own example & you are very attractive to all of your associates. By preaching in your place you caused minds young & old village women & men dance in the tunes of Hare krishna. Your dislike to materialistic association, materialistic talk is like raging wind that heralds the daunting rain.
I remember when you used to utter holy name, it awakened sweet flavor to life in the VOICE!
I bow down to you Indraveer pr., a beautiful (in & out) son of mother Hara!"

I wish very very Krishna conscious appearance day to you! May lord bestow all his mercy upon you.

Whenever I remember you Indraveer Pr. it reminds me of your seriousness, sincerity, gravity, obedience , tolerance & extreme determination.

Please forgive me for my offenses & Please pray for me!

Your servant,